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Von Willebrand's Test

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 10:53 pm
by Karate Kid

SEVERAL Breed-types carry a genetic blood disorder called Von Willebrands. This is the rating of how their blood clots if they get cut somehow. There is good news about THE real test for this. Many so-called- EXPERTS try to do a blood assay test and call it a Von Willebrands test. Oh my god, your dog's gonna die,,, quick pay me a lot of money to save your dog in the future!!!!

We had a vet assistant try to pull this on us with a dog we sold to a guy getting divorced and had to move in with his mom...who works at a local vet office as an assistant.
They wanted rid of the dog because of the divorce and apartment living and flat out LIED about testing the dog with a test that was outdated in 1997 because it was a scam by the big drug companies and GROSSLY inaccurate!!!

There is ONLY one company VetGen in Michigan that performs the patented DNA test to ascertain if the many different breeds have the genetic propensity to carry this gene.

DO NOT LET SOME BEHIND-THE-TIMES Vet trick you into using the assay test to determine your dog's constant clotting factor.. in case your dog has a wreck, they want plasma and whole blood on hand just in case. lol

ONLY VetGen does the DNA test. This is not a major concern for many breeds but it's something your vet should know about if you get a high dollar dog somewhere. DO NOT ALLOW THE ASSAY TEST. ONLY THE DNA TEST FROM VETGEN IS ACCEPTED AS ACCURATE.
